Category Archives: Behavioural Intervention

DIY HIV Prevention (#DIYHIVPx)

No. I do not want to test for HIV in the “comfort of my home.” Maybe it is just me, maybe that feeling is just personal, my experience anecdotal, maybe I am just an exception, a snowflake; but it’s my choice, my voice and it is

PrEP in England: Terms and Conditions will apply

Six years after the publication of the iPrEX study, four years after its approval by the US FDA, two years after the PROUD and Ipergay studies, and after a year of legal battle, PrEP may finally be available in the UK through a large clinical

HIV: Testing ourselves out of the epidemic?

Following the legalisation of HIV home testing in the UK, it will have taken just over a year for the first HIV self-testing kit to become available. The announcement came with the usual hopeful optimism and belief that self testing will make a key contribution

UK HIV Prevention organisations issue statement in support of PrEP

A group of UK HIV prevention organisations have released today a statement calling for the NHS to make Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of HIV infection available as soon as possible. This statement comes after two clinical studies investigating daily PrEP in the UK

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